Incite Strategies

Your Path to Financial Empowerment and Financial Freedom

Faces Behind the Innovation, Meet the Talent Shaping Our Vision

At Incite Strategies, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive financially. Our mission is to empower individuals by providing them with the tools and knowledge they need to take control of their credit and achieve their financial goals while at the same time dispelling common credit myths.

Meet our Team

We’re all about shaking things up and bringing a breath of fresh air to an industry crowded with scams and fake credit repair experts. So, if you’re tired of the noise and want some real guidance, you’re in the right place!

Ivory Becker - Founder of Incite Strategies

Ivory Becker

Owner/ Founder

Meet the visionary force behind Incite Strategies, Ivory!  With a background deeply rooted in regulatory compliance within the default industry, Ivory has witnessed firsthand the proliferation of scams and empty promises that plague the credit space. Fed up with the status quo, Ivory set out on a mission to revolutionize the industry. 

At the heart of Incite Strategies lies a commitment to honesty, transparency, and tangible results. Ivory’s personal journey through credit challenges has instilled a deep understanding of the frustrations many face. With this empathy in mind, Incite Strategies doesn’t just focus on credit repair; it focuses on rebuilding lives and futures. Armed with comprehensive credit education, clients gain the knowledge they need to navigate their financial paths. Ivory and the team provide unwavering support and open communication every step of the way. 

Jacqueline Decembrana

Credit Dispute Specialist

Step into the core of our credit repair team, where Jacqueline shines as our skilled Credit Dispute Specialist. Fueled by a passion for financial empowerment and a steadfast commitment to assisting our clients in reaching their credit goals, Jacqueline plays a pivotal role in disputing negative items and facilitating credit report updates for our valued clients. She dives deep into credit reports, meticulously spotting discrepancies that others might miss. Her unwavering dedication to excellence, coupled with her comprehensive understanding of credit repair, positions her as an invaluable asset to our team. Rest assured, with Jacqueline on board, clients can confidently entrust their credit repair journey to capable hands, anticipating positive changes on the horizon.

Tearie Patterson - Credit Assitant at Incite Strategies

Tearie Patterson

Credit Assistant

Tearie is our constant source of cheerfulness and positivity. No gloomy day stands a chance when she’s around!  Tearie is like your personal mail magician, making sure that every piece of your credit dispute puzzle finds its way to the perfect destination. She’s not just sorting envelopes; she’s orchestrating a symphony of precision to ensure that your important documents reach the right place at the right time. With Tearie on the case, you can wave goodbye to mail mishaps and hello to a smoother credit repair journey!

Ruben Shudall

Credit Repair Operations Manager

Ruben is the strategic force behind our credit repair operations at Incite Strategies. As the Operations Manager, he combines deep industry knowledge with a passion for helping clients navigate the complex world of credit repair. With a mind that sees both the big picture and the minute details, Ruben orchestrates our credit repair processes with precision and expertise. He ensures that every strategy is tailored to maximize results for our clients. More than just a manager, Ruben is a mentor and guide to our team. His leadership is about empowering each member to excel in their role, fostering a collaborative and high-performing environment. At the heart of Ruben’s work is a deep commitment to our clients’ financial well-being. He understands the impact of credit on people’s lives and is dedicated to making the repair process as effective and stress-free as possible.

Ruben Shudall - Credit Specialist at Incite Strategies

Kimberly Godines

Credit Dispute Specialist

Unleash the Credit Detective! Meet Kimberly, our credit dispute specialist extraordinaire.  She’s like the Sherlock Holmes of credit reports, spotting errors others miss!  Don’t let those pesky credit issues haunt you.  So, if you’re ready to take charge of your credit journey and bid farewell to credit worries, join us at Incite Strategies, where Kimberly’s expertise and our commitment to your financial success converge.

Jenna Shudall

Payment Management Coordinator

 Jenna is the heartbeat of our payment operations at Incite Strategies. With a knack for numbers and a passion for precision, she ensures every transaction flows as smoothly as a well-orchestrated symphony. Jenna isn’t just about debits and credits; she’s the friendly face behind every payment, ensuring our clients’ financial interactions are seamless and stress-free. Approachable and understanding, Jenna is always ready to assist with any payment queries. She’s not just managing payments; she’s building trust and peace of mind.

Mary Delmonte

Scheduling Coordinator & Customer Service Assistant

Mary is the organizational powerhouse and the friendly voice of Incite Strategies. As our Scheduling Coordinator & Customer Service Assistant, she’s the maestro of multitasking, ensuring every client interaction is as smooth and timely as clockwork. As a customer service assistant, Mary is often the first point of contact for our clients. Her warm, welcoming voice and empathetic ear make every interaction a pleasant and reassuring experience. Mary is the vital link between our clients and the team. She ensures that communication flows seamlessly, and everyone is on the same page, making her an invaluable asset to both clients and colleagues.

Victor Garcia

Credit Repair Business Develoment (English/Spanish)

Victor Garcia is the charismatic whirlwind of our sales team at Credit Score Pro. Fluent in Spanish and the language of persuasion, he’s the go-to guy for making credit repair feel like a breeze. With an eagle eye for credit intricacies, Victor dives into credit reports like a detective, uncovering the best strategies for our clients. Victor is more than a sales representative; he’s a friend in the journey of credit repair. His approachable demeanor and expertise make him a favorite among clients and colleagues alike.

Why Choose Incite Strategies

Take the first step towards financial empowerment today. Join the thousands of individuals who have already benefited from our services. Contact us to schedule a consultation or explore our website to learn more about how we can help you on your journey to financial success and financial freedom.


Our team of knowledgeable professionals has extensive experience in the credit industry. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and regulations to provide you with accurate and relevant information.

Personalized Approach

We understand that each individual’s financial situation is unique. That’s why we take a personalized approach to help you address your specific credit challenges and achieve your goals.

We believe in transparency every step of the way. We’ll clearly explain our services, fees, and expectations, ensuring that you have a full understanding of the process.
Our ultimate goal is to empower you to take control of your credit and finances. We provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to make informed decisions and build a brighter financial future.

Meet the visionary force behind Incite Strategies, Ivory!  With a background deeply rooted in regulatory compliance within the default industry, Ivory has witnessed firsthand the proliferation of scams and empty promises that plague the credit space. Fed up with the status quo, Ivory set out on a mission to revolutionize the industry. 

At the heart of Incite Strategies lies a commitment to honesty, transparency, and tangible results. Ivory’s personal journey through credit challenges has instilled a deep understanding of the frustrations many face. With this empathy in mind, Incite Strategies doesn’t just focus on credit repair; it focuses on rebuilding lives and futures. Armed with comprehensive credit education, clients gain the knowledge they need to navigate their financial paths. Ivory and the team provide unwavering support and open communication every step of the way.