Incite Strategies

“Their credit score is too low. I can’t help them anymore.”

1 in 3 mortgage loan applicants fall out because of their credit score

You don’t need me to tell you the number of leads that drop from your
pipeline because of their credit. You already know.
You have your keyboard at the ready each time your clients come to you
with a credit score you know won’t get approved.
You’ve spent hours in front of Google searching for ways to boost their
credit. Discovering that most of the time, the advice is B.S. and leads you
down the wrong path.
You’re already in social media groups asking for advice and if there is
any program that will accept a credit score that low and does it have
an acceptable interest rate?
You’ve already swallowed your pride a bit and asked the other loan
officers on your team if they’ve ever come across a situation like this and
would they please help.Not your idea of a fun time.

And you’ve already had that embarrassing and difficult conversation with your clients. Telling them that you’re sorry,
but there’s nothing you can do to help them.
You’ve been there. You’ve felt this. And while you logically know it’s not your fault or your responsibility
You still want to help.

You go above and beyond for your clients. And although you would never admit it out loud You honestly feel like you deserve a win after
all the work you put in for your clients. You deserve to see more texts with five exclamation marks and several emojis as you give them
the news that they’re accepted. That they can buy their house. You deserve to feel proud of the work that you’ve done.
That feeling of, “Yes. I can make money and make a difference at the same time.
”You’ve earned more closed loans.

The Credit Bureau doesn’t want you to be able to read credit reports.

Because if you can read reports and discover an error, then that means that they made a mistake.

Not a good look.

You (and your clients) staying in the dark is in their best interest.

It’s why their site is so unhelpful. It’s why there are no great opportunities to learn how if you’re
not actually training to work at a bank.

The truth is there isn’t enough education on this. On purpose. And your clients are stuck feeling
hopeless in the same living situation they were in before they came to you because of it.

You’re not “supposed” to know this stuff.

But if you had access to it, would you want to? Would you want to look at a credit report and
almost instantly understand what your client needs to do to get that number up to an
acceptable level?
Would you help the 34% of people denied loans get peace of mind that comes from knowing
their credit is acceptable to banks and lenders? Would you close those loans?
If you’ve gotten this far and you’re nodding your head, then you’re going to want to
listen up.
Because this offer could very well change more lives than just yours.

Hi, I’m Ivory – and I’ve been helping people rebuild their credit since The Recession.

Over years of overseeing mortgage processes and working directly with the banks as well as the government, I’ve seen all aspects of what good credit can do.

As well as what happens when people default on their loans, effectively ruining their credit.

I’ve seen clients come in utterly devastated and feel so powerless to
change the handful of numbers deciding their fate.

And I’ve watched those same people’s faces wash with relief when I help them repair their credit in my company, Incite Strategies.

The system is designed to keep us in the dark.

But you don’t have to be. You now know how you can help more people get loans.

Meaning they get the house of their dreams. And you get more people inyour pipeline.

You’re not in the dark, anymore.

You’ve got me on your side.

You don’t need a mentor to tell you how to hang on to that client that has a less-than-optimal credit score.

Because chances are good that they can’t help you.

When you’re grasping at straws online trying to figure out a way to just boost your client’s credit
score *this* much so they don’t leave your pipeline forever…

…that’s when you need Creditworthy

Creditworthy is a one-of-a-kind step-by-step course that teaches you how to
decipher the elusive credit report so you can close more loans
faster. Without losing clients.

With this self-paced course, you’ll:

  • See the exact steps you need to take to help your clients boost their credit scores and qualify for better programs faster
  • Close more loans and stop losing clients
  • Get known as the loan officer who goes above and beyond, leading  to more referrals from the clients you do help
  • Have other loan officers come to you as the credit expert on your teamHave more satisfied clients as you help them secure better terms
  • Have more satisfied clients as you help them secure better terms on mortgage products Know what the heck you are talking about when  talking to clients AND lenders about credit

             Stop cringing whenever a client pops up with a low credit score. Stop feeling like a newbie about credit scores. And stop losing clients simply because they have low credit scores.

Start giving your clients the right credit score advice.

You already go above and beyond for your clients. You really want to help them get the
best mortgage products they can qualify for.

Maybe you’re not the top loan officer on the team, yet. But you’re driven enough.

You’ve taken the courses.
Read all the recommended books.
Shadowed top loan officers and listened to their advice.

You’re ready to give clients confidence in what you’re doing.
You’re ready to be known as the expert.

Now’s your chance.

After going through Creditworthy, you’ll… …Be the one to dispel the
credit myths on the internet…Secure better terms on mortgage
products for clients…Understand exactly how the credit score
algorithm works so you can help borrowers get approved…Close
the loans everyone else wishes they could You just need two things:
1) the right advice and 2) a few hours to take it all in.

You have access to one of those right now.


  • 6 Easy-to-Implement Modules (Value: $500)
  • 3 Monthly Q&A Calls (Value: $750)
  • 3 Key Client Resources to help you keep clients in your pipeline until they close (Value: $250)
  • How To Analyze Your Credit Report Tool (Value: $299)
  • Unlock the FICO Code Sheet PDF (Value: $157)

         Plus, when you purchase before midnight on July 15th, you’ll also get access to an exclusive webinar walking you through credit reports live with a credit repair specialist. (Value: $250)

When you add that all up, that’s a total,
real-world value of

But because I’m so excited to get you helping
more people raise their credit and close their
loans, you can enroll in Creditworthy
for just…



6 Easy Payments of

Or save $85 instantly by choosing a one-time
payment of $497



6 Easy Payments of

One-time payments also available. You can add more
seats, too!

How to get Creditworthy for my team


Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

This is what people are saying about Creditworthy!

Why are you excited for the Creditworthy Course?

It’s taken me 15 years to learn what is in this

~ Shelley Foss, Granite Home Loans

Why should a Loan Officer take the Creditworthy?

“You are going to close deals

~ Phillip Wheeler, DC Lending

Why are you excited for the Creditworthy Course?

“I can offer solutions to my loan

~ Lisa Pogue, DC Lending

With Creditworthy, you’ll get six modules of training covering everything you need to help your clients go from ‘denied’ to unlimited opportunity

Prep yourself with actions to take. Not just information to pass along.

The moment you join, you’ll get instant access to all of the modules, so you can start accessing the
information you need to help your clients starting today, like:

  • The Mathematical Equation for determining “creditworthiness”
  • 5 Key Credit Score Factors
  • How to interpret the level of a credit score and know what to do with it
  • How each section of the credit report works and why it’s relevant to you
  • Key factors that require your clients to re-establish their credit history
  • The 10 Options to Help Your Clients Boost Their Score
  • How to quickly assess where your clients can make changes to their credit score and become creditworthy
  • How to use the different credit scoring models (yes, there’s more than one)
  • Which factors influence lending opportunities and lender decisions, and how to use it to your client’s advantage
  • Which line items you need to pay the most attention to if you want to boost your client’s credit score
  • Uncommon knowledge of who actually needs to establish their
    credit (it’s not who you think)

What other loan officers are saying about Creditworthy…

“My favorite part about this course is learning how to decipher what exactly is going on with
their credit report and how to shrink the amount of time from them being a client to being a
realized purchase. I can actually interpret their credit report. And even though the score
may not be all that great, we can actually boost their credit.”

- Brett Roesch, Loan Officer, DC Lending

The hardest thing about becoming a mortgage lender was really knowing what to look for on
client’s credit reports.This course gives me the ability to coach the client on how to establish
more of a credit foundation. So really knowing where those fine lines are at and helping to
coach the client and how to get there. That’s what I’m extremely excited for in Creditworthy.”

- Jeremy Schroyer, Senior Loan Officer, Shields Family Home Loans

“I’m super excited for this course because so many times we have had clients who focus
too much on things they can’t control. Like the housing market or, or interest rates are
going up or going down. This course actually gives your clients and my clients something
they can control and show them how to control it better.”

- Ben Surrautt, Loan Originator, Gateway Mortgage

Start Seeing Results Even Faster With These Exclusive Extras…

Monthly Q&A Calls With Ivory

You don’t get to be an expert by learning in a silo. When you join Creditworthy, you also get exclusive, 1-hr calls where you can pick my brain on anything credit-related.

How to Analyze Your Credit Report Tool

Yes, you’ll learn all about analyzing credit reports inside Creditworthy. But once you understand that, it’s a LOT easier to do with this tool.

Unlock the FICO Code Sheet

No fast-forwarding modules to find the right answers. This FICO Code Sheet is a quick resource that will tell you what you’re looking for right away. Making you look like a pro in front of your clients for having the answer so quickly.

Look like the expert you are with these client resources:

Path to YourCredit Goal Planner

Get used to saying, “I’ve got something to help you with that.” Cause that’s exactly
what you’ll be doing when you get this planner.
This resource will help your client plan out the steps they need to take to repair
their credit.
Giving them a visual to measure their progress against. And giving you a timeline
for when they should be ready to qualify for a loan.

10 Ways to Get Your FICO Score Mortgage-Ready

es, you’ll have all the information you need to tell your client at your fingertips. But your client won’t have YOU at their fingertips.

That’s where this resource comes in. When you’re finished setting up a credit-repair plan with your client, hand this resource to them so they can remember exactly what it is they’re working on.

Re-Establishing Credit With a Credit Building Plan Ebook

It’s all about quick wins. And this 29-page ebook will help you walk your clients
through the process step-by-step. Giving them peace of mind knowing you’ve
got it all planned out for them.


  • 6 Easy-to-Implement Modules (Value: $500)
  • 3 Monthly Q&A Calls (Value: $750)
  • 3 Key Client Resources to help you keep clients in your pipeline until they close (Value: $250)
  • How To Analyze Your Credit Report Tool (Value: $299)
  • Unlock the FICO Code Sheet PDF (Value: $157)

         Plus, when you purchase before midnight on July 15th, you’ll also get access to an exclusive webinar walking you through credit reports live with a credit repair specialist. (Value: $250)

When you add that all up, that’s a total,
real-world value of

But because I’m so excited to get you helping
more people raise their credit and close their
loans, you can enroll in Creditworthy
for just…



6 Easy Payments of

Or save $85 instantly by choosing a one-time
payment of $497



6 Easy Payments of

One-time payments also available. You can add more
seats, too!

How to get Creditworthy for my team


Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

Take 90 Days to Test It Out.

As someone whose business runs on referrals, I know what feast or famine feels like.
Investing in education when the bank account may not fill up anytime soon is scary.
And I definitely don’t want you to go into debt for this course.

However, if you can swing it and know that Creditworthy can help you in your
business, yet still need a safety net for the “what if it can’t help”
thoughts that spin around…

…let me ease your mind a bit.

You’ve got a full 90 days to change your mind.

If you get Creditworthy and go through it and participate in the Q&A calls and are still not able
to read a credit report and use it to help your clients, reach out to me
at and get a full refund.

“It’s taken me 15+ years to learn the information that’s in this course. It’s totally
worth it to pay for a one-time course and get
it done in a day. ”

- Ben Surrautt, Loan Originator, Gateway Mortgage


  • 6 Easy-to-Implement Modules (Value: $500)
  • 3 Monthly Q&A Calls (Value: $750)
  • 3 Key Client Resources to help you keep clients in your pipeline until they close (Value: $250)
  • How To Analyze Your Credit Report Tool (Value: $299)
  • Unlock the FICO Code Sheet PDF (Value: $157)

         Plus, when you purchase before midnight on July 15th, you’ll also get access to an exclusive webinar walking you through credit reports live with a credit repair specialist. (Value: $250)

When you add that all up, that’s a total,
real-world value of

But because I’m so excited to get you helping
more people raise their credit and close their
loans, you can enroll in Creditworthy
for just…



6 Easy Payments of

Or save $85 instantly by choosing a one-time
payment of $497



6 Easy Payments of

One-time payments also available. You can add more
seats, too!

How to get Creditworthy for my team


Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

What other loan officers are saying about Creditworthy…

“Working with Ivory has been phenomenal. I’ve had a lot of clients that didn’t quite
qualify because of their credit. Some of them only needed a little boost in their
score to get a much better rate. Ivory has helped them all and has helped me
close more loans because of it.”

- Jason Presser, Loan Officer, Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation

“Ivory is a professional in a very sketchy world. So many promises to fix issues out there,
but Ivory is the real deal. She was all over my issue and fixed a problem I had been fighting
for months. She’s thorough and has exceptional knowledge in her industry.”

- Wendy Marvin, CEO, Matrix Roofing and Home Solutions

“When the client first came to me I thought they were years away but she helped
get them preapproved the same year!”

- Adesina Cameron, Mortgage Planning Specialist, DC Lending

Clients may forget the one who helped them with their loan.

But they’ll never forget the one that changed their life.

Simply put — when you have the ability to read a credit report and understand how to help clients
change that number, everything changes.

It’s life-changing knowledge.

It’s business-building knowledge.

You lift a weight off their shoulders and make them feel human again.

People don’t just forget that.

They’ll remember whenever they hear someone talking about buying a house. And you’ll be the first one
they recommend.

So straighten up your desk. Cause it’s about to get more visitors.

See you inside.




6 Easy Payments of

Or save $85 instantly by choosing a one-time
payment of $497



6 Easy Payments of

One-time payments also available. You can add more
seats, too!

How to get Creditworthy for my team


Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.

Zero Risk! 90-Day Guarantee

Understand credit reports or get a full refund.